Saturday, May 16, 2020

Positive Impact Of Higher Education On Education - 979 Words

Individual There are many individuals now studying at higher education institutions, such as university, and benefitting both financially and health-wise. The increased wage and job opportunities afforded to university and college graduates are one of the positive impacts that higher education provides individuals. A report by Baum, Ma Payea (2013) finds that on average those who complete a college degree earn on average 14% more than those who have completed study at a high school level. It is also reported that unemployment rates are 1.6 to 7.1% lower in those who study at a college level or higher in comparison to those who only have high school level education. With higher wages and better access to job opportunities, the standard of living for individuals with higher education is improved and with this comes benefits such as more money to invest in not only their own individual interests, but also into local communities. In comparison, however, the study by Stokes Wright (2011) suggests that the cost of higher education in Australia does not support students decisions to study, saying that the cost of fees are often higher than the benefits they are likely to receive from studying at university. The study by Baum, Ma Payea (2013) also reported that those individuals who completed college education benefitted health-wise. These health benefits arose from lower smoking rates, lower levels of obesity and higher levels of exercise in college graduates. This view wasShow MoreRelatedAn Examination of the Goals of Higher Education Essay1168 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Higher education exists to produce knowledge. This mission is accomplished by researchers and teachers, working in cooperation, with the goal of producing educated citizens. It is through research, innovation, and teaching that we improve our society. Education of the whole person was one of the earliest goals of higher education. 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